
We rely entirely on donations from friends and supporters. All the money we raise goes directly to support children's education in Ecuador. To enable a child to go to school for a year we need an average of £670/US$820 to cover books, materials, uniform, transport, food and other basic living expenses. 

If you would like to help us continue to expand our work, please make a donation, by clicking on the Give as You Live Donate link below, or by sending a cheque, payable to:

The Condor Trust for Education, 6 Wyvern Road, Purley, Surrey, CR8 2NP.

Donors in North America can also give in US$ via our partner, The School Fund.

We also welcome donations of musical instruments, in particular violins. Please use the Contact Us link below.

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Changing Lives Through Education


Contact Us

020 8763 0741

Copyright 2016

Condor Trust

Changing Lives Through Education

UK Registered Charity No: 1108069